I suppose it was inevitable, given the progress of our society's redefining of all things traditional, especially those with any kind of gender or identity issue. According to worldnetdaily.com, the rules have changed in marriage licenses in California. The story reads as follows:
"In California, "brides" and "grooms" are no longer allowed to marry -- they have been replaced by "Party As" and "Party Bs." A marriage license for a man and woman was denied last week after they wrote "groom" and "bride" next to "Party A" and "Party B" -- the couple simply wanted to be legally recognized as husband and wife. The State Office of Vital Records said the handwritten words were an "unacceptable alteration."
Even if we grant an elected government the right to phrase their documents as they choose, the decision to redefine the concept of "marriage" is, as Barack Obama put it, "above their pay grade." And yet many of our elected or appointed officials have been so influenced by the arguments of the proponents of a "new" sexual identity; to the point that a married couple is now "A & B."
Traditions come and go as a natural part of social development, and not many of us would want to live entirely under the sway of our grandparents' traditions. But once a society removes the authority of a particular moral and social standard, as has been done with biblical teachings on marriage, sexuality, public morality and many other subjects, the only parameters for establishing and evaluating traditions are legal logic and the will of the majority.
How long it will take for this moral "new-speak" to reach every state and city is hard to tell, but there's nothing to stop it in the legal realm except the people who stubbornly cling to the religion, if not their guns. I just hope I don't have to be part of such a wedding, where I have to introduce the couple as "A and B".
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